Inspire ThroughKnowledge
Inspire Through Knowledge

We serve our community with educational programs, charitable projects, and guidance to foster unity and spiritual growth. Embracing diversity, we strive to create a welcoming space rooted in peace, kindness, and generosity.

Who We Are

Since 2011, Discover Islam Ireland (DII) has evolved into a blessed fully fledged organisation whose sole ambition is to share the beautiful message of Islam.

Who We Are

Since 2011, Discover Islam Ireland (DII) has evolved into a blessed fully fledged organisation whose sole ambition is to share the beautiful message of Islam.



DII’s mission is to provide correct Islamic information, promote better understanding of Islam and Muslims and eliminate Islamic misconceptions in Ireland. We intend to promote harmony by inviting the people of Ireland towards peace and to diminish hatred.



DII’s mission is to provide correct Islamic information, promote better understanding of Islam and Muslims and eliminate Islamic misconceptions in Ireland. We intend to promote harmony by inviting the people of Ireland towards peace and to diminish hatred.



DII’s vision is to pioneer in disseminating the correct information of Islam & Muslims in Ireland.



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We let you receive the latest information on Islam, as well as offers, tips, and updates.

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